


It was in 1965 that the Fiat Style Center, driven by Mario Boano, gave life to this car, a sober and balanced line, managing to obtain an elegant and sporty look, while adopting the aerodynamic innovation of the K-shape, maintaining a passenger compartment for 4 people and a front trunk of sufficient capacity. Particularly cared for the interior with wooden finishes on the dashboard, two-round racing instrument panel of large diameter that recalled that of the Ferrarianni cinquanta and armchairs covered in sky of sports type, but also quite comfortable for long journeys and with reclining backrests in both directions. Great attention was paid to the engine (Type 100 GC 000) with the increase in diameter of the intake and exhaust valves, also equipped with a double return spring, and with the variants to the connecting rods, the sky profile of the pistons and the distribution shaft, now controlled by a double track chain. The power supply system was improved with the adoption of a new intake manifold and the weber double-body carburetor with superchar power supply device. The exhaust system saw the removal of the manifold, replaced by 4 separate ducts that convey the gases directly to the silencer.

The small "850 Coupé" was able to hold on to cars that were dicilindrata and cost much higher and the commercial response was higher than expected.

Here we present an 850 sport coupe from 1970 then the version with 52 hp. The increase in power led to various modifications starting with the best valve and seat material, different carburetor calibration, radial tires, as well as the adoption of an increased oil cup, an automatic game recovery system for rear brakes and the replacement of the dynamo with the alternator for the changed electrical power requirements caused by the new additional depth beacons and reversing lights. From an aesthetic point of view, the novelties were even more numerous and more noticeable. The front features a new design with twin headlights, two 170 mm and two 130 mm deep, mounted inside and set in the center of the grille. This car is a beautiful preserved kept cared for and pampered by its previous owners. Healthy, rust-free car. 

Modello850 SPORT COUPE

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